Thursday, November 29, 2012


Pichi Pichi

Filipino Style Recipe: Pichi-Pichi is another popular and easy Filipino delicacy specially in Quezon province. In traditional way we used to boil and grate the cassava(kamoteng kahoy). To make things easier, we will used cassava flour instead. This delicacy is made with combined grated cassava, water and sugar. Steamed and rolled in grated coconut.
Estimated time of preparation and cooking: 60-70 minutes
2 cups grated cassava or cassava flour
1 cup white sugar
1/2 teaspoon lye water
2 cups pandan water(combine 2 cups water and 1/2 teaspoon pandan extract)
1 cup grated coconut or grated cheddar cheese
1. In a bowl, combine all theingredients except grated coconut. Mix until well combined.
2. Pour the mixture into individual cup molds.
3. In a steamer, steam the mixture for 40-45 minutes or until golden and translucent.
4. Remove from steamer and let it cool.
5. Remove from the cup and roll each pieces into grated coconut for nice coating. Done!
1. Another traditional way is to boiled pandan leaves to produced pandan water.

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